Country Crew

Weekdays 9-11am

Join the Country Crew for a wide variety of country music and interviews with requests taken.

Mondays – Lyn Harvey

Tuesdays –  Hilary Reynolds – Hilary is happily a part of the Country Crew and her Tuesday program consists of all Australian Country Artists with 90% being independents. On Fridays she is joined by Sean Walker with a mix of Country including requests & interviews.

Wednesdays –  Ricky Sinclair

Thursdays –  Dallas Johnston – Dallas has been involved with community radio since 1999. First with Coral Coast Radio in Bundaberg and when he came back to Morwell in 2009 he started with Gippsland FM. Dallas’s show is 100% Australian Country Artists with a huge emphasis on Independent Artists. The show comprises songs and the occasional interview. Picture below is Bruce Lavender, Tony McKenna & Dallas.

Fridays – Sean Walker & Hilary Reynolds

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